Mary G. Holland

Artist, Designer, Writer, Teacher

Philosophical Musings and Spiritual ExperiencesWritings

Create and Manifest Mindfully

We are all able to create and manifest mindfully. We do that whether we are aware of it or not, simply through our thoughts and emotions. Some of us are aware of how. Sometimes we need to be taught or reminded. It is the essence of how prayers are answered, and how miracles occur. This article distills an exercise, derived from several sources, which have been demonstrated by many to be highly effective. Every modern and ancient religion and belief system, and many organized groups, utilize a form of this generalized process. It certainly happens daily, both consciously and unconsciously throughout the world, via our individual and group thoughts and sentiment. By applying these principles, you will be able to assist what you desire to take form. It takes much practice to learn to do without stumbling, but the first step is to learn the process.

Prerequisites to Create and Manifest Mindfully

  • An awareness that
    • There is a higher power (“God/Creator” for the purposes of this article)
    • We are God/Creator’s children, miniature extensions of that energy, with all the same potential (though less developed) creative powers
    • The Universe is comprised of intelligent energy, which is a part of God/Creator
    • All energy is neither good nor bad, it is neutral
    • All energy responds to, is organized and assigned qualities, and is moved by the power of God/Creator and by extension, the Human Mind
    • We move energy through our emotions and our minds whether we are aware of it or not (mostly, not.)
    • Matter is a temporary condensation of energy that is a result of thought and/or emotion
  • Ability to clear your mind of all else and focus your thought throughout the exercise
  • Ability to raise your emotions at will to a high level, particularly the power of pure love, kindness, compassion, joy, appreciation of beauty, and similar higher emotions.
  • Ability to clearly state and hold in your mind all the details of what you are manifesting…
    • Always in yours and others’ highest good
    • Does no harm, doesn’t interfere with others’ free will or paths
    • Be careful what you wish for
    • Enough, but not too much, specificity
    • It’s ok to develop this ahead of time, and read it out loud with focused emotion and thought as you move through the exercise
  • Intuition and trusting one’s ability to notice signs, follow hunches and receive messages, hints from Spirit to follow to reach your desire
  • Patience. Patient ability to release and trust that the Universe will do what you ask. There is no time or schedule. Trust that the Universe knows when the best time is. To bring what you desire, the Universe may need to rearrange much of which you are unaware, and others may need to exercise their free will to release resources that allow your desire to take form. The Universe may also expect you to do some mental and emotional housekeeping to make ready for what you desire.

How to Create and Manifest Mindfully (a.k.a. Formula, Prayer, Treatment, Spell depending on your beliefs)

  1. God/Creator Exists – Get in a place physically, mentally, emotionally, where you can be centered and relaxed, and focus your whole being on God’s/Creator’s powerful creativity
  2. Be One with God/Creator – Fill your heart with love and become One with God/Creator and all of Humanity, aware you have the ability to draw on energy and power just like the Creator
  3. Assertion – State what you are manifesting in the present tense because it already exists, relishing with joy and wonder of all its details and characteristics. Tell the Universe to bring this or something better.
  4. Release – Release it to the Universe, knowing it is done because you have created it, fully trusting the Universe because you are one with God’/Creator’s power.
  5. Gratitude – Give heartfelt thanks for the Universe bringing it to you. (It is done. Amen.)
  6. Follow up – Watch for opportunities, signs, subtle intuition and follow the leads


  • Go slowly, deliberately though each step until the process becomes second nature.
  • The focus and strength of mind and emotion behind this process directly impacts its effectiveness. Combining clearly focused thought with high emotion produces the most powerful Human ability to manifest. It is only by living on Earth that we learn about all the strengths and pitfalls of emotions, how to manage them, and how to use them for the greater good. Learning this process successfully is an excellent exercise in developing the skills to manage emotions.
  • It’s a progressive process; each step builds on the next. Hold the growing ball of energy and power of prior steps as you continue. By the time you get to the steps of release and gratitude, you will physically feel the cohesive ball of energy release from your heart and solar plexus. Gratitude gives it wings and a puff of breeze to take flight in the Universe.
  • After release, confidently go about your business, preparing for the arrival of what it is you expect. No need to revisit, it is done.
  • Practice, practice, practice, starting small with measurable, noticeable outcomes, and working your way up to grander outcomes.
  • Keep a notebook, record what you do and when, little intuitions and hints, outcomes. This builds your confidence. If you take notes, you will progress faster because you’ll see mistake patterns and can correct them.

Common Pitfalls

  • Skipping step 1 or 2 or doing them distractedly or incompletely without sufficient feeling and focus
  • Not noticing one’s emotions and thoughts, then returning to these principles when they go astray. E.g.
    • Doubt, repeating it, worrying, chasing it, frustration, sadness it’s not happened, etc. – Remember it is Done. Patience.
    • Dwelling on what you don’t want rather than what you do want – before, during, after. Say your Assertion. Know It Is Done. If you must revisit to remind yourself, then once again imagine the positive emotions of experiencing what your Assertion expressed.
  • Not taking responsibility for one’s choices already made, begging, pleading with God/Creator for what you want, wanting to be rescued. You are responsible for exercising free will in your life, not God. It’s why you came here in the first place. So go create the circumstances you want. Forgive yourself and others for mistakes, release, and release what you don’t want. Change your mind and approach to a more positive one.
  • Vague, overly specific, or contradictory Assertion criteria, or interfering with someone’s free will (e.g. parent or friend interfering or rescuing someone from a life lesson)
  • Confusing love with lust or desire, or any of the other “seven deadly sins”, which are the addictions that keep us stuck in Earth’s reincarnation cycle and false belief systems.
  • Failure to follow up on the intuitive leads, hunches, and opportunities that appear as gifts from the Universe.
  • Becoming obsessed with noticing and following up on leads, hunches etc. – this is chasing it. It then runs away.
  • Being surprised, disliking, maybe getting stuck, by an unexpected outcome that technically meets your criteria. If you find it’s been manifested and you realize you wanted something else, give thanks for answering your call, refine your assertion, and create something else.

Happy Mindful Creation!

This material is based on these references I’ve studied:

  • Door-to-door sales training by the Southwestern Company summer 1976
  • The structure of many (but not all) prayers in various religions’ Holy Books
  • Earnest Holmes, Science of Mind (primary source for the structure used here) – the “Treatment” – published 1926, studied in 1991
  • Consciously Creating Circumstances – book by George Winslow Plummer first published 1935, read late 1990s
  • Making a vision board (1980s-1990)
  • The Secret – book and movie
  • Training by Sara Landon 2019
  • Casting spells – part of a workshop by Gillian Cardillo 2019
  • Training by Marilyn Alauria 2020
  • The three Journey books by Robert Monroe 1971 – 1996 (Journeys Out of the Body, Far Journeys, Ultimate Journey)
  • Refreshers and reminders by my many other teachers

One thought on “Create and Manifest Mindfully

  • Thanks Mary Gwenyth! Excellent! May I also suggest, “The Science of Getting Rich”, by Wallace Wattles. (“The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne mentions this book as well.). Please share more!!

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