Mary G. Holland

Artist, Designer, Writer, Teacher

Philosophical Musings and Spiritual ExperiencesWritings

Manifesting Free Choice

By Mary G. Holland
March 17, 2015
Missing PhysicsThe Universe is comprised of energy and matter that interacts within physical laws. Quantum physics has proven repeatedly that human consciousness alters experimental outcomes, but most of us don’t, or are just beginning to understand the potential manifesting implications of that discovery.

My experience suggests that humanity’s free choice, when focused, manifests itself by consciously redirecting interactions between energy and matter. The Universe of energy and matter is not biased in responding either to positive or negative fields. Instead, it blindly and obediently rearranges itself to accommodate our thoughts – be they focused or confused and diffused, light or dark.

Missing Physics: The Boundary of Science and Spirit

Spiritual Master Sai BabaAt any time, there are always a few adept Living Masters spread around on earth – some practicing in private, some public.  These spiritual masters have been tapping into the human consciousness potential for thousands of years through practice and experimentation. They are able to (apparently) bend laws of physics with their minds. This supports Kryon’s claim that human consciousness is a quantum, timeless, limitless energy that animates and is separate from the brain.

These masters are not altering physics. Instead, (Kryon claims and I believe) their minds are using undiscovered physical laws and properties that  we don’t yet understand. The Masters don’t understand the laws either, they just understand empirically what works and what doesn’t when they exercise their own highly trained consciousness.

When we understand those missing laws, then we will fully appreciate what the Masters are doing. That will mark the beginning of far more humans learning to use our minds’ full capacity, and for taking responsibility for how our consciousness affects conditions in our personal and collective lives.

Trust is Key

Trust is keyThe big hitch is, most of us don’t believe it, enough to own that power. We believe that the Universe is chaotic, because that is what we see around us. We don’t notice or take responsibility for how our thoughts bounce all over the place. We don’t realize that the chaos surrounding us is a reflection of our thoughts.  We lack instruments to measure whether the surrounding chaos is our mental state filtering perception of a steadily random state of events, or if our thoughts are actually creating greater chaos around us.  The most believing among us conservatively lean towards the former.

We lack faith in the connection between cause and effect.  We won’t even experiment to see what works and what doesn’t, for fear of being laughed at.  We follow and practice our spiritual belief system, but we really don’t believe it will work.  That’s too “woo woo,” borders on magic, which Christianity in the last 500 years has modified from original teachings, denounced as taboo, redirecting the natural power of human consciousness to the clergy.   It’s easier and certainly more comfortable to run with the herd, keep the miracles in our spiritual texts at arms’ length, than believe we are capable of what the Masters did.  We could not possibly, ever, be Christed.  It’s impossible.

Hogwash.  Besides, who has to know you’re experimenting?

First Focus

Focus as if it's already yoursIf we maintain a simultaneous focus of our conscious mind, spirit, and heart, we will see the results, and the connection between consciousness and conditions in our lives. All three must be synchronized to work: Our conscious mind (and body, physical action,) our spiritual self (intuition,) and our hearts (emotion).

The melded mind-spirit-heart thought only needs to be sent once, focused together and strong, for it to work.  Omit one, or if one conflicts with another, then it won’t work. Send worry and question after the focused thought, on whether it will work, and its action is impaired. Repeat sending the thought over and over, until your thoughts or emotions become numb, or you fall into doubt, then it’s delayed, or simply won’t work.  It’s as if you’re holding the carrot out in front of you, rather than accepting it into your consciousness as already here, in the perfect moment.

This is why prayer works, especially when a group is involved.  Each of us has a piece of the God-spirit within us, and through that, accesses the whole Universe. The focused energy of many humans together is stronger and of a higher frequency through this God-spirit bond. It’s the basis of spiritual healing, when the recipient is fully receptive. This process is described in great detail in Earnest Holmes’ book from the 1930’s, Science of Mind. Here’s one of many sites distilling the process he describes.  It’s not a phenomena.  It’s natural, it’s physics, it’s a developed skill to use those physics just like any other skill, if we’d only accept it, own it, and practice.

Even when we believe, or are willing to suspend belief enough to experiment, focus is difficult for most of us.  Most of us Westerners haven’t learned to train our minds to focus. When that’s a problem, then a balance of exercise, lightening the diet, and meditation do help restore balance and reduce mental hyperactivity or sluggishness. It’s not about suppressing thought – it’s about noticing a stray thought, acknowledging it, and releasing it to float away, so we are able to focus on the desired goal, as if it were already here.

Release: The Missing Link

Release your seed to the universeWe usually, though not always, have to patiently wait for it to work. We have to trust the Universe is actively rearranging itself, perfectly aligning itself to present what we ask for, in exactly the right moment. It’s the basis of synchronicity. We have to have faith that it’s happening. And it does work.  Greater faith leads to stronger focus and faster serendipity.

I’ve never had a problem with the spirit-body-mind focus part. Instead, I’ve found that the biggest, HUGE life-long impediment has been worry. Distilled, it’s Fear. I have been a chronic worrier in the past. I couldn’t see how the language I used for what I was manifesting, whether in my head or spoken to others, enormously impacted my goal. I didn’t see how my subsequent actions shed doubt on the outcome.  Was I lining up safety nets and alternatives? That’s fear. Was I marginalizing what I wanted to create when I spoke to others? That’s doubt. Was I frustrated, wondering why it hadn’t shown up yet?  You get it. That’s telling the Universe, well maybe I don’t want this, maybe I’m not ready for this, slow down.

Something inside me recently shifted and I’ve been letting that drop away, and trusting more. And Poof! Suddenly I’m finding everything is falling into place like pure magic. Talk about serendipity, synchronicity! The more that resources and conditions align themselves perfectly before me, at precisely the right moment, the more I trust. It’s a self-feeding system that strengthens with use and practice. The potentials are blowing my mind.

Someone who doesn’t believe might see what happens in my life and say, well that’s coincidence, that’s self-fulfilling prophesy. But others who’ve been with me awhile say, “It’s uncanny.” That says a great deal about how our state of mind is more than just a filter for random events.  All I can say is…it works for me, better than things used to when I worried too much about what I wanted, or lost focus.

Hey, try it.  You’ll like it.  And no one needs to know.

Have you experimented with manifestation?  Please share your experience with us.