Mary G. Holland

Artist, Designer, Writer, Teacher

Philosophical Musings and Spiritual ExperiencesWritings

Intuition or Projection? Trust or Not?

By Mary G. Holland
March 1, 2015

freda2About twenty years ago, I encountered a great spiritual mentor and teacher, Freda Gladle.  She told me my intuitive and psychic abilities were starting to “open up.” It completely floored me that my teacher was able to talk a blue streak, giving such accurate and detailed psychic impressions of what was going on with me and others who impacted my life, while I sat there poker-faced.

I knew I was intuitive, and had many experiences that taught me I should trust it as Truth. But back then it was very hard for me to distinguish between real intuition, and a mental projection that was really more about my obsessions, not necessarily supported by my intuition (and wisdom.) So I didn’t trust my impressions. It took me years to tell the difference, so I could trust.

Here are some clues for those still working on this. First: it’s important to immediately notice the context in which the thought appeared.

Are there any emotions you were feeling when the thought came up, particularly darker emotions of anxiety, worry, fear, anger, frustration, jealousy, control, etc.? That suggests a projection. Is the impression or image you received linked to something that you already have strong attachment to – e.g. are you just daydreaming about some current object or love obsession, or something you constantly worry about, like your kids, animals, job, money? That’s also probably a thought projection. Not something to hang your hat on.

Is the impression coming out of the blue, while you were calmly, absent-mindedly thinking about or doing something else? Did it quietly appear as an idea, an image of someone, or seeing an event that was completely unrelated to the task at hand…seeing someone’s face who you haven’t seen in years? Did it come up while you were in a calm state, was your mind was casually wandering, detached, while your hands were working? The image could be dramatic or mild, pleasant or not, a mere flash or an extended though, but it just appeared, like you are sitting there watching it happen, you are an observer in a dream. No emotion, just observing. That suggests an intuitive thought coming from your Higher Self or Spirit that’s in constant touch with God.

That’s intuition, that’s psychic impression. Believe it, trust it.

(Kryon says this thought type arises directly through the pineal gland – although only researchers with high-end MRI equipment would be able to scientifically verify that.)

I’ve learned that if you really start to pay attention to when you get these intuitive nudges, and re-record it in your mind, they will start to increase in frequency and detail. It helps most to write them down, or tell someone, because that is recording it in another part of your brain. Or, just notice them in your consciousness, pretend you are writing it down. That also re-records it.

When you start trusting those intuitive impressions, by acting on them when you see a related possible opportunity arise, it will even further reinforce not only their frequency, but more importantly, you will learn to trust them, and your discernment. Your confidence in your intuition grows.  It takes just a few years of practice but it definitely works.  You will be using more of your brain.

we-are-connected2Over time, there’s something else that happens when you notice messages coming from Spirit. I think it has to do with melding our conscious mind with what Kryon calls our Innate Body, Spirit, and Heart. This leads to greater consciousness and wisdom, not just for ourselves, but for the whole Human Race. The Hundredth Monkey phenomena is real.  All humans are truly connected as one spirit, with God.

What have you learned about the difference between intuition and thought projections?